For a free initial consultation with Steve Gibbins
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Phone: 512-474-2441

Recent Cases

Charges: state felony endangering child, and federal international kidnapping

Results: both cases dismissed

Allegations: X-spouse asserted that client took their child to Mexico in violation of court order

Charges: Felony Possession of Controlled Substance (over a pound) and misdemeanor assault

Result: Cases both dismissed

Allegation: Police called to scene of disturbance between client and friend. Police at scene looked in closet found large bag containing large amount of marijuana in it.

Charge: Criminally Negligent Homicide

Result: Dismissal pursuant to deferred prosecution agreement

Allegations: Client was observed at scene of accident after collision with another vehicle whose occupant was killed by the accident.

Charge: Resisting arrest in one county and DWI and possession of marijuana in other county

Results: resisting arrest dismissed in return for plea to Class C refusing to obey police officer and received deferred disposition on that. For DWI and POM in other county, client received dismissals after pre-trial diversion program.

Allegation: Resisting arrest: that defendant after fighting in bar, allegedly shrugged away from arresting officers.And on DWI, that client allegedly drove while intoxicated, and marijuana was found in vehicle at time of arrest.

Charge: DWI

Result: DWI Case Dismissed, pled to Class C speeding

Allegations: Client observed speeding 81 in 50mph zone, pulled over. Client was asked to and did perform field sobriety tests. Client refused breath and blood tests.

Charge: DWI

Result: DWI case, dismissed; client pled to Class C failing to signal turn, for which she received a deferred disposition and later a dismissal.

Allegations: Client observed, failing to give left signal turning into parking lot where her roommate was drunk, and she told officer she’d had 1½ bowls of marijuana 45 minutes earlier. No accident, but they did take her blood test—result showed marijuana in her system.

Charge: DWI

Result: Case dismissed pursuant to a deferred prosecution agreement

Allegations: Client observed driving wrong way on a one way street. Arrested for DWI. Blood test: .10.

Charge: Felony Aggravated Assault with deadly weapon

Result: Case dismissed and arrest record later expunged

Allegation: Officers called to scene of client’s home where visitor was badly cut by glass during altercation

Charge: Felony Theft

Result: Case Dismissed

Allegations: Client walked through cashier line, paid for items in the main basket, but not those in lower basket. Client was stopped outside the store and was arrested for felony theft. The client had had prior theft convictions.

Charge: Possession of Marijuana, misdemeanor

Result: Case dismissed, after class taken, and was later expunged by attorney

Allegation: UT dormitory monitor called police after smelling marijuana in client’s dorm room.

Charge: Theft by check $925, misdemeanor

Result: Dismissal after restitution made

Allegations: Client with numerous prior arrests (including felony theft) wrote hot checks totaling $925.

Charge: Assault with family violence, misdemeanor

Result: Dismissal of case after assault class, by agreement

Allegations: Police called to scene, alleged client assaulted brother in home

Charge: Possession of Marijuana, Misdemeanor

Result: Case dismissed upon attendance of drug class

Charge: theft by appropriation, misdemeanor

Result: Case dismissed upon completion of theft class

Allegation: Client seen trying on pair of $400 boots in store then seen walking out of store

Charges: 3 violations of protective order

Result: All 3 cases dismissed, pursuant to deferred prosecution agreement, and later expunged

Allegations: Alleged victim who had previously reported alleged violent conduct by client in her home, and obtained a protective order against client, again complained on 3 separate occasions of client violating the order.

Charge: Assault, family violence, misdemeanor

Result: Case dismissed pursuant to deferred prosecution agreement

Allegation: That x-spouse while meeting for child exchange, was allegedly assaulted.

Charge: Driving While License Invalid

Result: Case dismissed upon showing cleared license and insurance

Allegation: Client drove while driving with license invalid

Charge: Theft, misdemeanor

Result: Case dismissed

Allegation: Client observed walking out of store with pants without paying

Charge: Theft, misdemeanor

Result: Case dismissed pursuant to pre-trial diversion agreement

Allegation: That client was seen walking out of Sears with various items

Charge: Theft, misdemeanor

Result: Case dismissed pursuant to pre-trial diversion agreement

Allegation: That client was seen walking out of Nieman-Marcus with various items

Charge: Theft, misdemeanor

Result: Case dismissed pursuant to pre-trial diversion agreement

Allegation: That client was seen walking out of store with various items

Charge: Theft, misdemeanor

Result: Case dismissed pursuant to pre-trial diversion agreement

Allegation: That client was seen walking out of store with various items

Charges: misdemeanor assault

Result: Case dismissed, and arrest record expunged later expunged by attorney

Allegation: X-wife of client reported that during meet to exchange child for visitation, that client kicked her

Charge: Theft, misdemeanor

Result: Case dismissed pursuant to pre-trial diversion agreement

Allegation: That client was seen walking out of Kohl’s with various items

Charges: misdemeanor assault

Result: Case dismissed pursuant to deferred prosecution agreement, and arrest record later expunged by attorney

Allegation: complainant asserted that during BBQ, was kicked and pushed by client

Charges: Failure to Identify Self with Fugitive Intent

Result: Case dismissed

Allegation: Police called to hotel where client and spouse were staying, and one spouse was seen in car outside hotel, spouse in hotel was called to front desk to speak with police, and when questioned refused to identify self.

Charge: Evading arrest with vehicle

Result: Case dismissed

Allegation: Police observed client in car, attempted to stop him, client reportedly fled.

Charge: Criminal Mischief

Result: Case dismissed after restitution paid

Allegation: Client was seen driving his vehicle through tow yard fence after his vehicle had been towed.

Charge: theft by appropriation, misdemeanor

Result: Case dismissed

Allegation: Client was alleged to have taken property of employer.

Charge: Theft, violation of deferred prosecution agreement

Result: Case dismissed after client took class and completed community service

Allegation: That client, after placed upon deferred prosecution, failed to comply with the agreement.

Charge: Leaving scene of accident

Result: Case dismissed, after client pled to lesser included Class C ticket charge for changing lanes improperly, and arrest record was later expunged by attorney

Allegation: Car occupant after collision with client’s vehicle, called police saying he had left the scene.

Why Choose Us

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    Steve Gibbins' clients reap the benefits of his decades of personal injury and criminal law representation

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    Our skilled attorney has protected the rights of clients in Austin and throughout Texas for more than 30 years

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    Steve speaks truth to the power of insurers in injury cases, and of prosecutors in criminal courts

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    If you are in jail in Travis County, Steve works hard for your immediate release

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    You deserve a lawyer who is resourceful and responsive, and willing to address your concerns at any time

Law Offices of Steve Gibbins

1411 West Avenue | Suite #200 | Austin, TX 78701 | Phone: 512-474-2441 | Fax: 512-482-8303 | Map & Directions

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